I guarantee you that this has happened to me for about twenty years now. I first noticed it when I was in college, and as I walked under the campus street lights, they would each go out in turn, and then start working after I got out from under them. I told other people that I thought it was crazy that the lights went out whenever you walked under them, and they looked at me like I had 10 heads. Then, I knew that it was only happening to me. But, it is definitely an interesting and so far unexplained phenomena. And no, it's not delusions of reference, or some odd thing where I only notice when it goes out. It's not a coincidence when you walk under 12 lights, and each one of them goes out when you go under it. Now, as to why they go out, I'm not sure. One thing I learned in physics is that all bodies above absolute zero radiate electromagnetic waves across the spectrum. Now, I don't go for astrology and auras and all that garbage, but to me, this is the only thing that makes sense. Somehow, the detectors that think it is day are tricked when I walk under them. My best guess is that it is caused by some energy radiated from certain people. It's hard to imagine that this hasn't been documented and observed somewhere???