Originally Posted by CityOfAngels
Is it wrong to not dispose of nude pictures you took of your ex when you were together? I have quite a few of my ex and I when she was 18 and I was 19 (I'm 20 now), and although I've NEVER posted any online nor shown any of them to anyone but myself, I do tend to re-visit them at least once a month. I see it as a reminder of what I've had, but I dunno; could it be a sign of not letting go?
Our breakup was hard, but I've moved on. Is keeping these pics a sign that I sub-conciously haven't completely moved on? Whenever I tell myself, "I should delete these pics, just so I never have to think of her again," I always respond with, "But DUDE! You have naked pics of that hot asian chica you always wanted in high school! YOU ARE THE KING!" (I'm sure my immaturity is quite apparent  ).
Just looking for opinions other than my own.
Is she hot and naked? If she is then I am pretty sure why you would want to keep these pics.
If you are holding on to little snapshots of the two of you together for dear life, THEN you have a problem. But looking at the nekkid goodness of your ex just because its nekkid goodness is perfectly understandable thing to do