Originally Posted by scout
I also sincerely doubt pouring more money in over there to attempt to convince them we are great people will do any good. Each and every one of us donates money to them and their misguided causes every single time we pump our automobiles full of gasoline and it has gotten us nowhere.
I didn't realize that our purchasing of their oil was our method of convincing them "we are great people". I wonder how us giving them money for oil so that the dictatorships can continue to control the people is supposed to be perceived as the actions of a "great people".
And just asking, but wasn't the real reason France, Germany and Russia didn't want to invade Iraq was because they all had secret deals with Saddam and they was all on the take from the Oil for Food programs?
Didn't it in fact have little to do with "the americans do not have a coherent case for invading iraq"?
Maybe. No.
The argument against war does not need to be strong, entirely accurate or 100% effective. That is the role of the argument FOR war. By default, war is not the choice to make - you must prove it is the only option. The Bush administration failed in that task - as was inevitable.