Yeesh, a bit late to the game, but...
A god that is all powerful and all knowing would be hard pressed to make, say, a married bachelor, or a rock so heavy that he could not lift it. He can't make 2 plus 2 equal 5. Even if the earth and all within was the result of a creator with intent, the abstract concept of the number 2 is, I contend, independent of any deity.
This applies to the Fibbonaci sequence, and the golden ratio. God or not, these numbers are on a level of abstractness that is independent of anything tangible, or intangible:
Originally Posted by Rekna
N F(N) Ratio
0 1 1
1 1 2
2 2 1.5
3 3 1.666666667
4 5 1.6
5 8 1.625
6 13 1.615384615
7 21 1.619047619
8 34 1.617647059
9 55 1.618181818
10 89 1.617977528
11 144 1.618055556
12 233 1.618025751
13 377 1.618037135
14 610 1.618032787
15 987 1.618034448
16 1597 1.618033813
17 2584 1.618034056
18 4181 1.618033963
19 6765 1.618033999
20 10946 ------------