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Old 08-31-2004, 01:30 AM   #28 (permalink)
The Phenomenon
Location: I think my horns are coming out
Oooh fun times

I have two tales, and neither of them tall :P

My parents were friends with some people and on some holidays we would go and visit them for a week or so. They had a daughter as old as me, and two sons. One a year younger, the other a lot younger. I bunked in with the oldest son - we were kinda good friends. I was 13 BTW.

Between our room and hers there was a connecting patio, with a glass sliding door for each room. Each room obviously also had a door leading into the hallway inside the house.

So the girl (also 13 -- lets call her M) went to take a shower. We got the idea in our heads that we wanted to see her naked (duh) :P So the kid (lets call him K) decided that he was going to go and hide in her closet. I decided to take my position outside the glass door. It had curtains in front of it so while he got inside her closet I opened the curtains JUST rigth so that I would have a great view, and I went outside and took my position on the balcony (or patio or whetever - its was on the second floor of their multi-storied house).

Sure enough about 10 minutes later into the room she walks with a towel wrapped around her. She closes the door behind her and drops the towel. This is also more or less when I dropped my pants :P. Her body was beautiful, small just-started breasts with plump little nipples and a small bush that also just started to grow not too long ago. She walks straight to the closet, in her glorious nudity, and opens it to find her stupid brother sitting there. She screams grabs the towel of the floor, covers herself up and chases him out the room. After she threw him out she starts searching the room: Under the bed, the other closets etc. until she is satisfied than she's alone. She drops the towel again and walks to a mirror and starts putting some cream or something on her face while bending over exactly in my direction. I ofcourse could not believe my eyes. This was the first time I saw anything like that in real life -- and it was awesome.

After this she simply lies down on her bed, in my unobstructed view, and delivers yet another shock to my virgin teenage sexuality. She started masturbating with her legs spread. I watched her finger herself for what felt like ages, and it drove me over the edge. I stayed and watched her finish herself off, and when she started to dress I returned to my room. Till this very day she does not know I watched

EVERY time I see her I replay that night's events in my mind -- and she has been the subjet of some very fun fantasies ever since. Unfortunately I never got another chance to get a look at her.

The second story is from a year later when I was 14.

My parents were going out to the theatre or something and whenever they went out they got this 18 year old girl to babysit me, she was frst year at university. Which would have sucked if she wasn't so hot.

She was a very hot brunette, B-Cup breats I estimate and very slim, but not too skinny. All in all the perfect body. EXTREMELY hot in any case.

Anyway she arrived at my house just before my parents left directly from Uni, and just before they left she asked them if she could shower and change. They said OK and left.

She went into the bathroom and got in the shower -- sadly she closed the door tightly I discovered when I came around to see if I could sneak a peek :P I hung around until I heard her get out of the shower -- I jumped into my room and peeked as she walked by with a towel wrapped tightly around her luvverly body. I watched her walk into the guest bedroom and close the door, BUT lady luck smiled and she did not close the door properly. It was open just a little bit, about a quater of an inch.

I snuck up to the door and took a look: There she was, facing a little bit away from me in her full nude glory drying herself off. This was the first time I saw a fully grown naked women from close up in real life. Doing exactly what you could expect from any 14 year old kid in my position, I dropped my pants.

But then the real show started -- she sat down on the edge of the bed and opened her legs -- facing DIRECTLY at me, showing of her beautifully trimmed pussy. She laid back a little and started playing with herself. Just as I started thinking that I am going to watch her get off AND get away with it she spoke: "I know you're watching. Come over here." She said it calmly with a straight face. I nearly fainted from shock, pulled up my pants and walked in -- scared shitless. I was 100% convinced that this was going to be the part where she kills me.

Instead as I walked in she continued to finger herself and asked me to show "it" to her. The rest you can imagine for yourself and it was bye bye virginity with wild unprotected sex. Many times that night. And a couple more times when she baby sitted me on other nights.

Sadly she moved away the following year, and playtime was over :'(
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