That's what I was afraid of. The whole HUGE plane into the pentagon thing never really sounded right to me. I watched on tv as we were shown clip after clip of ground zero in new york. I probably watched about 7 minutes of footage from the pentagon. Total. And I was looking for it. See, my uncle sometimes works in that area, and I wanted to make sure he was okay. BTW, he's fine. I've flown in a 75 before. One of those things hitting the side of a building the size of the pentagon at 2 feet off the ground at full throttle (basically) would have done a hell of a lot more damage than that. People gave their lives for the USA. Then the USA covered up what really happened to them and lied to the american people and, more importantly, the families of those hurt or killed in the 'attack'.
When all of this crap eventually does come out, and it probably will, things might start to get kinda ugly. I've watched as the country I love has done some pretty aweful things. When you start to put them all together, you start to wonder if the government really represents the people. The second Gulf War (or Operation Iraqi Freedom) was originally said to have begun because we had certianty that Saddam Hussen had (by had they meant has already built, bot just working on) weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION. Not some automatic weapons or gernades, but weapons of mass destruction. Then we killed a hell of a lot of Iraqui people, millitary and civilian. After the war, the government said that the war was to free the Iraqi people from tyrany.
Wait, this is starting to remind me of something that happened about ten years ago... in Waco Texas. Remember that one? Wow, quite some shit. The reason the ATF was originally there was because they had a warrent to check for automatic weapons. That's it. After a hell of a lot of people died, the government said the reason they went in there was to free children who were being heald hostage. Ouch. The resembelance is astounding, as far as I'm concerned. There are a lot of other comparisons I could do, but I felt that this one really stood up.
I'd like to ask Kerry if he'd be willing to tell the truth about things of this nature if he were elected. That'd actually get my ass off the couch to vote.