No, Schrock didn't just dress up. He is/was actively into aggressively persecuting homosexuality. He could have just gone along with everything with his vote to be dressed up. This guy was sponsoring bills and speaking out against gays. There is something very different there, and something very very wrong about it.
What this guy was doing was hating himself so severely he was willing to take it out on the rest of the country.
Just like Bob Barr, just like Newt, Bob Livingston, Henry Hyde, Dan Burton, Dick Armey, Tom DeLay, J.C. Watts, Alan Keyes. Just like Bennett, just like Limbaugh (Divorce, no children-Sancity of Marriage). Just like countless others who did this and turned out to be the same thing they were persecuting.
It's something messed up and as yet I am convinced it only happens on one side of the aisle. It's hypocracy.
Last edited by Superbelt; 08-30-2004 at 04:54 PM..