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Old 08-30-2004, 04:15 PM   #36 (permalink)
I have found that a lot of women don't know how sensitive some parts of their bodies are. I love to explore her body finding those parts. It can be done with a lot of humor, or very romantically or totally wild.
I'll innocently start walking two fingers on her body from somewhere innocently like her leg if she's sitting or her back or belly if she's laying down. I start telling a story about going treasure hunting. The story can be made like a funny pirate story (AAhhr, I heard of a treasure being hidden on this Isand), an exciting mystery plot (Sherlock Holmes has to recreate the scene for heinous crimes of passion) or anything else I think of at the moment that fit the mood.
So I walk those two fingers around a little back and forth, and if she's wearing a skirt I'll say something like "I think the treasure/clue/whatever is down this way. My two fingers walk with more aim and towards one of the big three, but let's say she's sitting in a skirt, and we are in the giggly mood. So this time I'll go for her crotch, but takes a left or right just before or after where the pubic hair starts (or should've started).
I walk on the outside of the thigh continuing the story the whole time like commenting "Arrh we have to be carful not to fall down etc". And then I'll get to the knee. I walk around the inside of her knee and by then she's probably laughing since I look silly on the floor with my two fingered exporer walking around. Then my explorer walks just around the little "skin patch" that is at the back of the knee, but he sees problems uh-oh. He'll have to get help from his digging tool. Enter mouth and his mighty tounge. They "dig" for a while, but the reasure, clue, or whatever was not there. Moving on.

I continue this all over her body espescially the creases of the elbows and knees, her footsoles, ankles, wrists, back of the neck and gradually the lower back, inside of her thighs, her cheecks, neck, her belly (the belly button seems to vary a lot so I don't do that with a girl I don't know, can ruin the mood fast). Mouth, breasts and usually eyes last. By the time when I finally find the treasure she gets so happy, and when the digging tools arrive the story sometimes comes to an early climax. The sequel to the story includes even better digging tools!
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