Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
Whether or not it is winnable is of no consequence. I would rather be fighting Islamofacists on the streets of Baghdad or (insert country here), then living in a place where my reality is similar to that of Israel.
I'm sure the people of baghdad appreciate you letting them have the american citizen's share of urban warfare. Call it one of america's many gifts to the middle east. Don't you mean you'd rather somebody else fight the islamofascists in the streets of baghdad? Besides, it is only a matter of time before there is another terrorist attack on american soil. When that happens, we may still be fighting terrorists on the streets of baghdad. One thing is for certain, though, your reality will be that much closer to the reality of life in israel, or any number of other places in this wonderful world of ours. Maybe then you'll start to wonder if this war on terrorism has been at all effective.