I dont believe that the kid did anything wrong. It if he can figure out a way for some idiot to give him $2000 for a picture of a TV, more power to him. If you are trying to tell me that the picture is not worth $2000 and that the kid intentionally tried to deceive them, then is it not deceitfull to puchace a TV for a ¼ of the retail price? This reminds me of the apple book scam from several months ago.
The more I think about this the more it bothers me. Its so horrably wrong to sell a picture of a TV for $1600 but its not wrong to buy a REAL 52" plasma screen TV for that same price....? ""I was floored. What am I going to do with a picture of a TV?" Farris said."----what would someone do with $1600 for that TV? Didnt you just try to rip off this kid the same way he did you? Argh, this pisses me off.
Last edited by animosity; 08-30-2004 at 10:47 AM..