have you ever had road rage then afterwards be super paranoid? like today a sign said no turn on red but this guy kept honking at me. i turn around and yell at him, can you read?! and give him the finger. then we gave each other the evil eye while i made another right and he went straight. afterwards i was really paranoid like damn, what if i see him again or he sees my car and messes it up. or what if he turns around, fallows me, and starts something. i can also think of other times where ive had road rage. like when this guy pulled right infront of me and i had to suddenly break. I was inches from hitting his car. now i feel even more paranoid that somethings gonna happen to my car. my town isnt a small town but what are the chances? does anyone here feel or have felt the same way? i have to relax more and not have so much road rage but damn! gaah! i need to sleep it off or something