The house I used to live in was haunted. It didn't help that is was around 150 years old also. Back then it used to be a bar/inn. People stayed there overnight and what not. But the story goes that on November 13, 1884, there was a doctor staying in the house. Somehow he got killed that night.
I don't remember this but my dad used to say that he heard me talking to someone when I was by myself. I do know that there was never any babysitter that would come either. So my GodFather would come and watch me. Well he was upstairs at the bar that we had at the time and something spooked him pretty bad. He ended up falling off the stairs and breaking the railing. He won't ever talk about it either.
Another thing I might add, there used to be an alter in the basement. We didn't even know we had a basement. My dad was remodeling and found it. There were pentagrams and all kinds of weird shit. Dad ended up filling the basement with cement.
But if we would watch movies at night with all the lights off, I remember on more than one occasion, one of the crosses in the house would turn upside down. It didn't bother me at the time, but now it really scares the shit out me.
By the way, this was in Fort Smith, Arkansas. They have torn the house down since then.