I gota say some of those examples are just pathetic. All they do is pick random parts of an object or animal, in any order, measure it roughly from the horizontal and/or vertical plain then and this is supposed to show us Phi. Well I am convinced!
Lets do this on a person’s face they say. Okay lets pick some points:
- start with the bottom of the chin – obviously.
- somewhere in the middle of the chin.
- bellow the lower lip.
- slightly above the corner of her mouth.
- tip of her nose.
- tip of her eye brows.
- top of her hair.
Oh wow what a coincidence that we got the Fibonacci sequence out of these very specific spots. I am sure if some one else was to pick major reference points on a human face, picking the middle of the chin or slightly above the corner of the mouth would be the first points they would choose.
My favorite is the human body example.
Start with the top of a persons head and just place the first few points at random along the forehead. Then the next one is somewhere between the eyebrows and the eyes. Shouldn’t the point be right on the person’s eyes they ask? Nah. Next point would be somewhere on the nose. After that it would be on the Adam’s apple, then the middle of the chest, somewhere on the abdomen, middle of the thigh, and finally the feet. The wonders of Phi seem to appear everywhere!
Sorry, but it was fun to write