I predict the NHL will stay intact after both sides beat each other up without really gaining anything they couldn't have worked out already. Just like almost every sports league has done - i.e. baseball for example. Do the fans really suffer? No, since the NHL (and players) are on the business side of things selling an overpriced product to "fans" who are willing to pay whatever it cost. Don't ask me who these people are or how they can afford it, but they're out there.
The crappy thing about all of this is that the actual game of hockey really sucks to watch. The referees seem to follow the same patterns (calling penalties at the end of periods etc..) and they can decide the outcome without having to answer for it. Then you've got things like
The Trap which so many teams love to play.
I won't miss it if they don't play this year since I've already decided not to watch now that I've discovered internet porn.