Yes lots of problems indeed. What the average guy can do to change the world isnt what the world needs, by saving water u save water, period. We live in a democracy, but the poeple of the World, the average Joe who slogs his guts out his entire life gets to choose every so often between a couple of guys who will control the Nation for a while, thats not democracy. People today live in a world that for the most part they dont like, yet being Human we try our hardest to fit in (most of us), So we become that which we despise just to give ourselves a sense of worth, of value and it cant work. The media is a problem, yes, but what man made thing isnt these days? The media basiclly have the job of relaying information to the buplic, yet we hear the tasty gossip the scandals the twists added and words manipulated by the broadcaster, because it is the job of the media to SELL a PRODUCT at the end of the day. Pollution can be tamed, water can be manipulated food can be grown, we have many solutions to immediat problems, but the decay of the species is rife, we might have advanced tech but we certainly have poor morals and even if it was no better in the past thats no excuse, we have systems of government that are centuries old, even in the USA and although we believe we have a say we do not. It could be that as little as 1% of the population actually have the plans or ideas to improve the world atm, i dunno, if they do they wont get into government because its not ur ideas but how much ur liked that counts. We are in a lot of trouble with our systems because we know they arnt good, maybe even wrong but what can we do? I fully believe we need to forget national bounderies in this age as it is little more than a cause of segregation of denying others things because of where they were born and it does cause conflict. In the 21st century we need an idea of making things better as a life goal not to earn enough cash to live a comfortable life, we need social ideas to be widely known, we need each individual to realise that hey, life is good for some but the way we live cant continue for the good and we need to rethink things a bit. we could use a worldwide organisation of resources for a start that makes sense to all except the richest who would suffer. A world government is an idea to be laughed at, and wrecked instantly yet its what we need. Mankind needs to have control of itself and its planet. you have to admit that even the most powrful ppl alive have little control over the major things in our lives. the western ideas of self rule cant change very much as things stand, there cant be any better way for USA or UK to live than by a democratic capatalist way because we need to keep making money and have the choice over who leads us so they cant abuse us, but thats all demoicaracy offers, a chance to reomve those that fail, it wont improve us because our current systems have probably already reached there max efficxiency. I believe we need to remove countries and control the planet under a united human flag, remove money as it only highlights someone elses power or social status or ability to porvide more than another, money in a sence is an abuse of some of our basic human rights (for some ppl). we must wake up and realise that with money and countries there will be those who have, those who want and those who cant get, and thats what we need to address first so we can stop major attempts at species suicide in the future. the key thing to remeber tho is that no matter what we do we will always be up against nature, thats who we must be watching carefully and controlling these days. all it would take is some minor natural disaster we know happens all the time in our universe and our little species is gone, forever. If we cant force change by using nature as the lever then we will die, either by our own hand or by natures hand. if a guy runs across the road with his eyes shut and lives does this mean he will live a 2nd time?