Yes i agree, as we only have one life we should be in a position to do anything we want before we die, and we are not, its simple. not becuase we dont live long enough or becuase we work constantly but because no one see's us for what we really are. As humans we re the spectators to the art gallery of the universe, if life on earth went out, or we continue as we do now then we just totally and completly abuse our gift. man has worked hard since his birth in africa, because he had to, now a days 1 person can live 100 years and do NOTHING. not likely but possible, which is nice for them, but think... mankind as a whole could decide many things on its own future and we could truly become in the future what none of us can imagine now. I predict extreme longevity to be in existance in less than 100 years, i predict wars over the secret, and i also predict VAST social problems, unless.. we do move off earth, not all but we at least consider leaving home as a species. Also there is benefits to certain people that mankind doesnt ever become a Aristotle style Eudemonia or Paradise, at least in the short term, never underestimate mans desire for sheort term wealth/power to ruin his medium term aims of world peace etc. We live in a universe that is a massive power source untill the last baryon matter decays in several trillion years time, thats when the matter in our bodies decays. Untill a few hundred years ago (and barring natural disasters) the Earth was THE perfect place for any creature, there is still near limitless fuell from the sun, and as long is there is fuel we can live. our problems with power isnt lack of, its TYPE
. You cannot fit a nuclear reactor to a car. Basiclly when fossil fuels dry up the internal combustion engine as we know it will cease to exist (or work whatever) no our problems will be mankind specific
we wont simply run out of food etc. like our animal brethren we will find that in 'todays modern world' nature hasnt really been considered, she's treated like the wolf is to a shepherd, a potential killer, a definate pest. when nature always has and always will determine every last detail of our existance. We're going to run out of room thats for sure, as the rest of the world reaches the stage the west or the developed world was at late 90's to today we're going to have fierce commercial and industrial battles with our brothers AND try telling a semi hostile country it has to abide by pollution laws when barely years ago its towns and cities were getting leveled. you will have to get the message across to everyone and theyll have to understand its a species wide must, and frankly i doubt as a Scottish guy that the rest of the world will listen to the babble of the west about habitats etc. when ur african orphan discovers he can make millions or billions in the modern world by exploitation, as he will no doubt be used to himself. im just saying we all grow up and live in this world we have created for ourselves and we seldom take a good deep look past it to see what there is for us. there are planets we could live on, asteroids we could mine, moons we can scrape semi-organic matter off, seas, chemicals, medicines and technology yet contempleted beyond Earth, its a fact, lets move off earth before we cant, before some idiot nukes our only space launch centres and before we half poisen ourselves in the persuit of the ultimate man made drug, money. money is the human equivelent of the scent of the ant or the dance of the bee, it keeps everything WITHIN our social structures ticking along nicely and makes sure work is done, fellows are fed and young get born, but its not really REAL in the sence its a must, we have made it essential i would be surprised if its not our downfall