Originally Posted by Kurtz
Ecomdan, did you mean that kids shouldn't have access to guns, or that they shouldn't even be in their presence?
If you meant that children should have no access to firearms, you'll be pleased to know that every American firearms maker includes well constructed locks with their firearms that render the gun inoperable. And I don't know a single gun owner that doesn't keep their guns locked up, unloaded, and out of reach. NO responsible gun owner ever allows a child acess to a stored firearm.
If you meant that children shouldn't be in the general vicinity of guns, would you please explain why? I ask because I know other people (most of them very smart) who hold that belief, but have never really been able to articulate it in a way I can understand.
BTW, have any of you ever noticed how the NRA ignores the words “well regulated” in the second amendment? I know a whole bunch of NRA members who have no problem at all with gun control, only with gun banning. In fact, most of the gun owners I know favor more laws to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and children. I wouldn’t bother saying that normally, but it occurs to me that some of the Europeans hear have as twisted a idea of gun owners as we do of Europeans.
And to throw one more little thing in, what about the right of property? Life, liberty, and property are the most basic rights we recognize over here in the US. A gun is certainly a piece of property, and capable of doing less damage than a car or a tank of gasoline. Why do people retreat to the second amendment instead of arguing that people have the same right to a gun that they do a Porche?
First of all, fuck me, in my current condition I can't possibly read all of whats been written on this thread as I've just spent the last six and a half hours driving back from a gig. I haven't slept in 36 hours or so, I am tired, I promise to read all of your posts when I'm I've slept a bit.
But I noticed your post Kurt, and felt obligated to reply.
In answer to your question, I think that no parent in their right mind should ever expose their children to firearms except to tell them that they are of no use to a civilized person.
I understand and believe what you say about manufacturers countermeasures and steps taken by parents to prevent their children from gaining access to their weapons, but all we hear over here is Michael Moores side of the story really. Thats the reason I started this thread, so I could get a well balanced view of the situation rather than some over-hyped media hacks interpretation of gun laws in the United States.