Not to knock your post or anything, Rekna, but I honestly don't see what the big deal is and why people (media and politicians) focus so much energy and attention on this.
I'm not a big fan of Bush, but really... the past is the past. If he dodged the war, then whatever. I don't think that course of action really reflects the issues that we, as a country, are faced with today. Same with these Swift Boat Veterans blasting Kerry because he made "negative" comments about the Vietnam war... all this matters so very little.
IMO, whether or not someone served has very LITTLE importance on what currently needs to be taken care of, so to me, it's really mind boggling why people focus so much of their attention to these matters.
I could see veterans being a bit ticked off because THEY had to go while Bush go to stay home because of who he or his family is, but aside from that... eh, no biggie. To be honest, I would've dodged too, so I can't really blame him there