Originally Posted by Dragonlich
You could make your machine more quiet. Replace loud fans with silent ones, etc... that would more or less remove the problem.
OTOH, a good reboot never hurt an operating system. 
I find it slightly depressing to look at the responses to this thread - it amazes me what sloppy design we're prepared to put up with. I'm not saying Linux is the bee's knees, but I ran a multi-user system a few years back and it didn't have or need a reboot in the entire year. And the idea of playing with hardware (and the ridiculous expense of making things silent, or the major expense of just making it a bit quieter) to correct a software fault goes against most of my intuitions.
So I've gone for the standard Windows response - a reinstall. Luckily have an HD filled with copies of everything I need to get my system back up and running again so it didn't take too long.
Why does Windows seem to have this gradual rot?