The aspect of today's society that scares me the most is the type of memes that are most replicated. Any useful advice that our elders have tried to pass on is drowned out by whatever the new cool fad is. Instead of knowing how to cook and clean a home, we know how to download mp3s and programs for free. Instead of knowing how to identify which plants and insects are beneficial and which are harmful, we know imtimate details of the various casts of Survivor or Road Rules. Instead of having a clear grasp as to how credit cards, bills, loans, mortages, leases, and debt works, we know that tax-free week is in August and where to go for the best sales.
TV and advertising do not have your best interests in mind. They aren't trying to prepare you for the world and they offer no advice or assistance. Unfortunately for today's teenagers, their parents have already grown up watching television, so the amount of useful advice that is passed down is getting smaller and smaller.