Here is North caught flat-out LYING again recently on Hannity & Colmes:
The Oliver North File: His Diaries, E-Mail, and Memos on the Kerry Report, Contras and Drugs
And for those doubting Vietnam War atrocities:
Democracy Now! recently interviewed Pulitzer prize-winning reporter Mike Sallah who uncovered massacres committed by U.S. troops in Vietnam that had gone unreported for 36 years until last October. They also played a tape of a former Army journalist Dennis Stout who witnessed U.S. soldiers committing some of these atrocities and was threatened by senior military officers when he tried to speak out at the time. Here he is describing some of the war crimes he personally witnessed.
DENNIS STOUT: [...] My Lai had occurred in the same valley where we had done this stuff--further toward the mouth of the valley--committed these crimes. I went public immediately with the eight war crimes that I could most closely document. I witnessed a lot more than this but these are the ones where I had ID cards of the people killed. See, the South Vietnamese government would issue these laminated ID cards to people that were considered loyal citizens. Of course, we didn't give that any standing. But I had ID cards of some of the people killed, location on the ground--and sometimes within 50 meters, and the names and unit numbers of the people who committed the crimes. And those are the only eight that I reported to the CID. I wanted to stick to what I could absolutely prove. I felt. The crimes were: the rape and murder of a young girl that I spoke of earlier, where she was seized at a road guard operation raped and beaten for two nights and then taken out and shot. They took her right outside of our little perimeter and told her to run so they could shoot her. She wouldn't run because she knew what they were going to do. So, they backed away from her and threw a grenade that rolled up at her feet. When she saw the grenade, she used one hand to cover her eyes and the other hand to cover her chest. When the grenade went off it tore off one leg and shredded the other one, but she was still alive, so the guys walked up and shot her twice to finish her off. Also, at that same road guard place, one guy decided he wanted to skin someone. He caught be a old man and tied him to a tree and began skinning him at the top of his left shoulder and down his chest. So he got three inches down when the guy passed out. So then he revived him by slapping him and throwing water on him. When he came to, he tried to skin him again and only got about another an inch or so, and the guy passed out again and so shot him. After he shot him, he said, “Well, he's no fun anymore.” So, one of my sergeants, Sergeant David Kalu, we had captured a guy asleep in his hammock with his rifle leaning against the tree and two bundles of pungee sticks rolled up under the hammock. After we captured him, he tied him to a tree and then tied cords around his upper arms and around his thighs and then took an axe and started to chop him apart from the bottom up. And eventually he chopped of his arms and legs and head and piled them up on the trail as a message to any gooks that came down the trail. [...]