Originally Posted by Rdr4evr
As stated above, my vote goes to Kerry because third party is a wasted vote any which way you look at it. Although I would rather see Nader in office, my hatred for Bush is much stronger than my feelings toward Nader. Voting for Nader is voting for Bush. If you truly despise Bush as I, myself do, vote Kerry. This election is too close to vote for third party, every ballot counts.
Agreed, I got family up there anyway  . At this point I would rather vote Saddam into office over Bush.
my vote for nader is a vote for nader. the only wasted vote is the one that isn't cast.
nader can't be voted into office if his "supporters" won't even vote for him.
kerry doesn't represent my interests, now that'd be a shame to vote for someone who doesn't represent me.
if the party wants to fix this, join in instant run-off change.
if the people vote bush in, they get what they deserve.
my vote isn't going to alter the larger picture of california's voting trends. I'm even tempted to suggest that should bush win the popular vote, the EC might go ahead and award them to kerry anyway--because they can.
finally, nader (and any other party) needs enough votes to be considered a viable party next year or they won't get airtime and a seat at the debate table. I don't remember the percentage off hand, but I'll do what I can to make sure the platform gets national attention.