Black lights are awesome. I don't know why people think they're annoying or cliche.
They're very soothing and relaxing, IMO. I have two in my computer room that I turn on when I need some light, but don't want the florescent light blaring down on me (which is almost always).
I like the fact that it's on, but at the same time it's not obtrusive like normal lights. For example, if you turn it on and close your eyes, you don't know it's on unlike a normal light. Sleeping with lights on is annoying, but sleeping w/ the black light on is like sleeping in the dark (when your eyes are closed). As a result, it makes a good "night light" of sorts.
My bedroom is PITCH black because I keep the windows/curtains closed, so when I get up in the middle of the night I'd like to see my way around, but a nightlight is too bright and annoying. Black lights are a great solution to this.
I love lamp.
Last edited by Stompy; 08-27-2004 at 08:18 PM..