We agree to disagree, that's ok. We all have differing views of what we would do in any given situation but noone truly knows what their reaction would be until they are truly there. It is easy for me to say, "confront answer and move on." But in all honesty I don't know if in Kerry's situation I would act any differently.
As for Arnie, there were massive innuendoes and press stories going about his being close to Nazis and having to take cultural appreciation classes, and grabbing co-star actresses asses. Yet, Arnie confronted, answered and moved on and nothing stuck. Was it just his celebrity or the class in which he handled the accusations. I would have to believe the class. May not like his politics but I do like the way he handled the negativity. I think most people respect that.
Running to the election committe and crying about how much money the group has or who is funding it, IMO, shows me personally a weakness and that when the fire gets too hot Kerry looks to douse it externally and cries about fairness. As president, especially if he still has a GOP Congress life for him will be very unfair, will he not be able to move forward and effectively because Congress won't work with him? Will he be crying foul every time Congress disagrees and says no? (I don't think so, I personally believe Kerry to be a good man. But with his reactions to the negative ads, I do wonder.)
And THAT wonder is truly what the GOP wants. The defamation they know won't change minds, but Kerry's reactions to the ads. Kerry is showing weakness, and they will hammer that weakness.
BTW the example of Clinton was his first run in '92. Bush was not re-elected because of "it's the economy, stupid." and Clinton was able to focus on issues. Another big factor was Perot though. Make no doubt about it, in '92 Bush did all he could to try to find something that would stick to Clinton,but Bill didn't let anything stick and focussed on the issues.
Clinton never cried foul over any ad against him. Clinton knew his whole life was open to scutiny and that the GOP would try to spin things. But never an ounce of fear or showing it got to him. He'd give his smile and shake hands with people and look straight into the camera and say, with his little Arkansasian southern drawl '"George Bush wants to keep his office as much as I want to take it away from him." And that would be that, not an ounce of "why you picking on me?"... "This is totally unfair". CLASS ACT AND GREAT PRESIDENT (woulda been a helluvalot better had the GOP let him do his job)...... just hate his wife. Of course, Clinton had Carville to help with the fires also, and Carville is one ice cold sumabitch, but a great strategist.
In '96 when Clinton was up for re-election, yes people felt more secure and were more prosperous, BUT also Dole ran a very clean campaign against Clinton and IMO the better man won because the issues were what the whole campaign was about in '96.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"
Last edited by pan6467; 08-27-2004 at 07:31 PM..