Regarding rats...we had a similar experience. We have an old air conditioner which is bolted to the floor. At the base, there is about 2 inches of gap, covered with wooden board. At first, it was just a mild nuisance; we thought the smell was coming from outside. Over the course of a few hot and humid summer days, the putrid stench intensified exponentially. We finally realized that *something* MUST have died...The smell was unmistakable: a sweet, rotten odour that lingers in the air.
We took the entire airconditioning unit apart, and found nothing. By this point in time, the stench was so bold that one could not spend more than 5 minutes in the room without having a throat filled with vomit. So we decided to spray some Wizard air freshener into the room, to "neutralize" some of the odour....BIG MISTAKE. Rotting death does NOT blend with Spring Flowers very well. The resulting mix became even more nauseating.
After another day, I decided to pop open the base of the airconditioning unit, thinking that perhaps the rat had somehow embedded itself into the floor before dying. AT that point, I noticed about 10-15 nasty little beige maggots inching their way out. The sight was traumatizing beyond belief. The rat, or the slush of its remains, was pinned between two pieces of metal.
Adding to Mephisto's moral, NEVER let a rat decompose AT ALL. anywhere. If you smell that foul stench of death, tear your house to pieces until you find the source. That is, if you don't enjoy the march of a hundred fresh maggots.
-sanity is not statistical-