Originally Posted by tecoyah
I honestly don't see the issue here, and I am no supporter of Mr. Bush. Of the myriad borderline unlawful things this administration has done, this would be page four hundred sixteen, paragraph 8. I am getting somewhat bored with the endless attacks on Bush for piddley reasons, when there are so very many Major "indescretions" to work with.
Likely the big stuff will continue to set on the back burner.....in the eyes of media.
Sometimes it's the minor indescretions that turn out to be the ones to convict.
LOok at Capone,everyone knew he was a killer, extortionist, bootlegger and all round evil man. BUT the ONLY thing the government could get him on was, and at the time it was a very rare conviction, tax evasion.
So the littlest of crimes can eventually convict even the evilest of men. Mainly because they cover their asses over the bigger stuff but let the little stuff slide because they don't believe anyone will care about that.