Hmmm,...I'm not qualified to state how memes can or may infiltrate ones mind consciously or subconsciously, but I do know the memes that stick with me are the ones that cause me to relate to them on some emotional level. Usually those are the ones that dictate whether I like them or not that seem to stick.
Of interest thought, and this goes back to some of Arts media mind control. Most of the time I rarely pay attention to ads on t.v. I've seen some ads hundreds of times, can describe to someone the ad but can't remember the product. Currently there is a MacDonalds ad running in Canada that makes me want to throw a brick at the t.v. The reason,..and I'm not a women hater but the woman in that ad bugs me so much I have to change the channel. The ad worked. I remember Macdonald's. Maybe Art or someone else can speak of visual memes that provoke negative and/or positive emotions which have perhaps in essense the same resolve.
EDIT: I should state the reason the woman bugs me is because of how she is eating whatever she is eating not to mention I find her unattractive. (See I don't remeber,..chicken strips maybe) It doesn't matter though, the brand name stuck. Perhaps other people will like her and how she eats,..WIN WIN for MacDonald's. Got you comin' and goin.'
" In Canada, you can tell the most blatant lie in a calm voice, and people will believe you over someone who's a little passionate about the truth." David Warren, Western Standard.
Last edited by OFKU0; 08-27-2004 at 10:00 AM..