Originally Posted by combatmedicjen
I personally do not know of anybody that is dissatisfied with Wells Fargo.
You have to read the fine print and use your brain when you're investing, else risk ending up like the Suhs'.
Well, lucky you. Your horizons have expanded. You now know of several people who are dissatisfied with WF.
After they stole money from my wife and me, we closed our account. I got a number of calls and letters from the bank asking what they can do to get our business back. In response, I wrote a letter to an executive at WF and told him, "I would rather stick rabid weasles in my pants than do business with your bank." You might ask your father if he ever got a letter like that from a guy in Davis.
As for the fine print, you are correct. I just read it myself, and there on line 13 of paragraph 4 in section 6, it states, "We reserve the to fuck you in the ass (literally and figuratively). FDIC (
Dick you
In the
Cornhole) Insured