Originally Posted by willravel
Thank you, Scout, for proving my point. You tried to argue with a point I never even hinted at. The only mention of militia was in my quoting the second amendment. What I was saying, or rather writing, was that the time in which the amendment was put into effect was a different time in history, in respect to physical dangers that could only be defended against with guns.
While you did not directly say it, I think you did hint at it. After your spill about it being a different time in history blah blah blah and your quote of the Second Amendment you stated
Originally Posted by willravel
This almost infant-like clutching of people to the Second Amendment makes me sick. What REAL right do you have to own guns? What LOGICAL reason is there?
I was merely pointing out that that the argument of a different time in history, it was meant for the militia, blah blah blah, has already been debated several times over and the Supreme Court has even issued several rulings debunking that argument. The Second Amendment is a real reason, just as the First Amendment is a real reason you are able to come into this forum and debate the merits of the Second Amendment without fear of retribution.
If someone is a law-abiding citizen who enjoys the shooting sports and owning guns makes them happy and they don't hurt anyone, what harm is it to you? What harm has it done to you? What business is it of yours? It's absolutely none of your business, just as what happen's in your bedroom, for example, is none of my business or the government's for that matter, but there sure is a lotta people that want to regulate and make it their business. As I stated in my first post, whatever happened to live and let live? As long as you aren't hurting anyone but yourself, provided your over 18, you should be able to do or own anything you choose or want if it makes you happy. Why do you feel compelled to protect people from themselves?