It isn't that the female body is any more attractive than the male body. It's a societal thing. Guys don't really have to look good. We are brought up for work. Women spend most of their lives trying to look good to attract guys. Naturally the one that takes care if itself will look better. On top of that, beautiful women have always been put on a pedestal. Men, being the pursuers as opposed to the pursued tend to be judged by how good of a women he gets, as opposed to how good he himself looks.
*NOTE* The following is both IMO, and based on instincts as opposed to modern society.
Then if we look at the instinctual side of things, both men and women are looking for the perfect mate to raise their child. Of course, the man doesn't want to be present, but he doesn't have much of a choice anymore.
A good child-raising mother would: Be healthy, have a lot of milk, and have good genes.
A good child-raising man would: Be able to provide food and shelter, and have good genes.
While both prefer good genes, and an attractive body, the man has to provide food and shelter, which can be a difficult task, while the woman just has to take care of the child. Although that's a difficult thing to do, pretty much anyone can do it. So the man will take any girl with good genes and a healthy body, while the girl will look for the man with the best genes that can accomplish all of his jobs well. All women would be judged by is their looks, while men are judged by their jobs most importantly, and THEN their looks.
An ugly man can get a woman that is better looking than him by being able to provide food and shelter, so why bother trying to look good?