Originally Posted by irateplatypus
kerry's speech? which speech? what did that have to do with my post about bob dole?
are we having the same discussion?
i'm talking about the washington post article listed above. it was a bit rude to call me out like that, but i'll take any challenge given to me. once i figure out what in the heck you're trying to say we can discuss this as much as you like.
care to clarify?
sorry irate, I wasn't intending to be rude, just using the common expression: put up or shut up; as in, one wants to see the evidence or the other person needs to not complain about it.
The speech I am curious about is the one you referred to that kerry made 30 years ago. It seems to have you steamed about his character and I'm curious what he said that was so inappropriate or inaccurate.
I'm not a kerry supporter, but my wife is. if you have a legitimate beef about his character in regards to the testimony he provided to Congress in the 70's, I am interested in seeing your POV and where/why you came to your conclusion.
thanks dude, and no disrespect intended.