Wow thanks for all the replies.
hulk I already play a MUD called Achaea, I've sank quite a bit of money into it as well

however they are not pay-to-play but sell 'credits' to make your character stronger. I dont mind donating money to good servers, but I dislike being forced to pay on a monthly basis as most of you know, you can go months on a tight budget where that $10 is needed (Well over here in Australia the exchange rates make it a little harder)
I had a feeling this thread would go off on the usual tangent of stop being a cheap bastard. However if you look at games like Enemy Territory, you dont pay to play, and some servers stay up 24/7. Most of these servers sell small things like your exp stored permanently and such to keep maintained.
At the moment I am checking out a shard for Ragnarok that sells in-game items to keep paying their server costs, if I like them I might donate or buy an item.
I've gone quite nuts with finding a MMORPG to play, I've got the everquest trilogy to check that out, as I'm hoping like Ultima Online, an old game means alot of areas and heaps of stability and also.. free shards
Any other games people can offer that are like Evercrack or Ragnarok?