Originally Posted by maleficent
When you get the utility, you are generally asked for your social security number, that's what your identifier. If you pay late, then The big 3 credit reporting agencies will know about it.
Hmm... does telephone count as "utilities?" i've been getting phone bills through my college (i live in the dorm system, and the school runs their phone bills), but would they report to credit bureaus or is it only the big phone companies that do?
basically i pay my phone bill about once every 6 months (along with a whole bunch of fellow students). the balance just gets tacked onto the next month without any sort of late fees, and they don't shut off your phone for nonpayment or put any holds on regsitration.
have i just screwed myself over in terms of credit
edit: also, how does one go about finding his credit rating? is it just a matter of calling up one of the credit bureaus and asking?