where you travel can make a huge difference too...
like, I wouldn't suggest London to anyone looking for a cheap trip.
On the flip side, I went to Morocco for a couple weeks and aside from the last couple days when I went suvenier shopping, I probably spent about $10 a day, including absolutely amazing hotels and food (though, half that time was spent sleeping on the bus going from one part of Moroc to anoher=) ... in retrospect, I should of taken the ferry over to France and hung out there, as you can get by pretty cheaply there too.
You may also want to check out things like WWOOF... I forget the website, but just google that and you'll get it =P ... free room and board in exchange for a few hours hard labor on an organic farm a few days a week.. a great way to extend your trip...
double on what asdfasdf1 said about being conscientious (sp?) about how little you can get by with... any time I craved a big meal in Moroc, a quick glance at the locals fixed that =T