I actually find cell phones to be really useful. Mostly, I just use mine to check the time, but it's nice to know, when you're out with your friends, that you don't have to worry about losing them in a store or going seperate ways for a minute or whatever. They're great for those two minute "where are you?" or "let me into the house" calls
However, in the hands of the wrong person, cell phones give a whole new meaning to the term "annoying". I hate people who talk on their phone in the gym, in a nice resturaunt, on a bus/train, or when you are hanging out with them one on one. IMO, they need to make those cell-phone blockers (I'm not sure what these things are called, but they block the radio waves within a certain radius so that you can't get service where they put it) legal in the US, just to make things for peaceful for the rest of us.