I understand those of you who really dislike it when people trash other's taste in music. If someone wants to listen to Justin Timberlake, well, that's their business, I suppose. What really burns my biscuits, though, is that once something like Timberlake or Nickleback or Limp Bizkit (a band that does, in my opinion have some talent, even if I don't like all their music or personnel) gains a following, they tend to dominate public airwaves to the exlcusion of other, potentially more worthwhile artists.
So protesting crappy music (what one feels is crappy music) is not merely about a desire that it would go away, but also about trying to alert people to their options. By accusing people of bad taste in music, he may or may not be correct, but he certainly causes some of them to examine their musical taste, quite likely to their ultimate benefit.
And, besides, it's amusing to watch.
Originally Posted by quadro2000
It's true. You just have to know where to look. (note: those are obviously tied to my taste in music.)
That radio paradise ain't half bad. Thanks!