Survivor and CSI are my only "must watch" TV shows... I rarely catch CSI so I usually just rent the entire season and camp out in my living room for a weekend.
I love Survivor, I also started watching it season 2 - I was very surprised that I liked it. Although I am sure that it isn't nearly as horrible as it would be to actually be stuck on an island, I think those people go through a lot more than most people give them credit for - try sitting anywhere for over a month with absolutely nothing to do except interact with strangers and think about how you can win a million bucks. Not to mention, those people certainly look hungry/thirsty... I just wish that they hadn't given the all stars fire - necessity would have eventually forced them to make it.
On a side note, my ex-girlfriends mother applied and actually got flown to the producers, but was turned down due to a recent LASIC surgery...
I am very curious to see how the FBI/Ex-military fellow performs, he hopefully will be a decent example of America's Best & Brightest...
I have an aura of reliability and good judgement.
Just in case you were wondering...
Last edited by NoSoup; 08-25-2004 at 10:00 PM..