Gay Marriage: i'm pro-gay marriage. i don't care what you call it, but as long as gay couples get the same rights as hetero couples, well, that's what i want. i think to add an amendment banning it into the const. is disgusting. so i'm pro-kerry there.
Abortion: abortion should be legal at least until the end of the first trimester, and, imo, really until the baby can live outside the womb. so pro-kerry there.
Taxes: bush's tax cuts have done nothing for me. pro-kerry.
Iraq/defense: i'm not against the war, but disagree with the way we were brought into it by the current administration. i dont' think kerry would be better than bush or vice versa in handling the war or national security. tied.
The economy: i've yet to see anything taht bush has done to help workers. it seems he's so pro-corporations it sickens me. if money's going into the top but then staying there that doesn't help the economy. i don't know if kerry will be better, but i'm willing to give him a shot. pro-kerry.
Training for workers and students: i think NCLA is shit. seems like a way to get us a step closer to the voucher system. pro-kerry.
Health Care: i don't like how bush is against allowing the importation of drugs from canada (free-market what?), but the senior prescription plan doesn't seem bad. national health care is a great idea, but i don't think it's really realistic at the moment. i'd really like to see the govt. compete with private health care companies, that way the govt. could make sure the poor get the coverage they need while those who can afford it could go to a private company for coverage. tied.
Stem Cell Research: i don't care if life technically starts at conception or birth. as long as woman aren't getting pregnant in order to abort and cell the embryo, i'm cool will with stem cell research. stem cells could prove to be huge in future medical breakthroughs. they may go nowhere, but i'd rather no for sure and not miss out on potential cures than not have them. pro-kerry.
Religion: i'm not a religous person. i don't care if the president is religous or not, what i do care about is whether he will push his religous beliefs on me. i'm not gay, but if i were i would not want to be held back from marriage because i'm an unnatural sinner. or where churchs get more special treatment because they're of the pres's faith, and other religions either get none or possibly opressed by the govt. so pro-kerry.
shabbat shalom, mother fucker! - the hebrew hammer