As you said, you don't want any criticizing of your religion, so I will try to avoid that, but your religous views and how they fit with your conception of time do interlock.
First off, if time is not linear, then why do we not live before we are born or some other such impossiblity.
Now about time travel, you have to have a reason to invent time travel, otherwise you wouldn't do it. You can't do it if your reason is something you want to change. If you did you would go back and change that event, remove your reason for inventing time travel, and therefore you would not create time travel and would not be able to travel back and change to occurence, leaving the event unchanged, and you in a continuous unending time loop.
If your reason is just to observe then you have screwed everyone over because you cannot observe and not effect, so you would continue to observe until the changes accumulated to such that you no longer invented time travel, usually by causing yourself and many others not to exist, which means you never invented time travel in the first place never went back and screwed everyone over, and are therefore able to invent time travel again and go back and observe again, leaving not just you but everyone in an unending time loop, way to go.
Now by your view of god and association with time your saying that according to god's point of view, he will know everything that happens everywhere and everywhen. This means that he already knows who will go to heaven and who will go to hell and there is nothing anyone can do to change that since everything they do God will already have known and that will already have factored in, meaning that free will goes out the window since you are no longer in control of your own destiny. God already knows where you will end up and there is nothing you can do about it, only he could change that, except that he already knows what he would do, what it did, and according to his view, he already did it and has yet to do it and is doing it right now.
Now if time was non linear then our universe would make no sense, you could live before you were born and such, the equivalent of time travel and you then meet my first to arguments.
And you could never break down the space time continuum, any changes you made would automatically be corrected and you would then doom yourself or the universe to a time loop.(See my first to arguments)
Some people try to avoid my argument about God and time by saying that time is linear and God exists outside of time, but if you think that through you come to the same conclusions. And if God existed within a linear time then he could not know everything, he would then run into the same problems.
I'm not trying to bust your religious view point or anything, as far as I know your right and God is all-powerful and can therefore tell reason to wipe his almighty ass. When it comes to time travel, all you will run into is infinity-loops and effect preceding cause, therefore removing the need to have a cause at all. When it comes to religion, since there is no absolute proof, everyone could be right, including the theory of the Universe being sneezed out by the Great Green Arklseizure, with everyone needing to fear the coming of the Great White Handkercheif.(To understand this idea, read the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Author: Douglas Adams).
If you read all of this pat yourself on the back, you just wasted an irreplaceable piece of your life reading someones opinion on idea that will never have any real meaning, ever, good job.