Libido/arousal issues with NuvaRing?
Heya folks,
My fiancee uses the NuvaRing birth control (really an ingenious little device, I must say) but ever since she went on it at the end of last year, she has not felt as sexy or sexual as she usually does (we've had various issues from time to time, but always work them out)... She has wondered on occasion if any of this could be attributed to the Ring, but when I encourage her to make a serious inquiry into it, she just says that she's just not feeling as libidinous as usual but doesn't think her birth control has anything to do with it.
Sex and interest in sex has kinda come and gone over the last few months, and seems to be in an upswing phase lately, but I still have to wonder if there could be something really simple going on.
Have any of you experienced anything similar with the NuvaRing, or heard of it? She has tried some other forms of birth control before but found that she has adverse reactions to some of the pills where she'll get itchy all over.