2. Argument from Observation: From what I've seen, and from the observations of a friend who did alot of counseling in college, sex is powerful, and the abuse of sex can seriously mess things up. Now, there are two possible explanations for this. Either these people are still sufficiently influenced by some latent puritanism in society, or sexuality really does cut close to the being. Since there's not much latent puritanism in society anymore outside of certain subcultures, and enough of these people seem hardly to be influenced by these subcultures, I'd lean towards the second.
The human mind is no simple thing. I do believe there are MANY outside factors when it comes to someone being "messed up" from sex. For example, getting raped or sexually abused. Those are two very bad things that could happen to a person that involves sex and will most definitely screw someone up. The act of sex itself doesn't cause that, it's the act of forcing your will upon someone who either doesn't want it or doesn't know any better. You could just as easily traumatize someone by carjacking them or pointing a gun to their head while threatening you're gonna kill them.
Certain things that happen to people as they grow up will affect their personality as they get older. Having the feeling of security as a child, acceptance from others during the teenage years as well as acceptance from the opposite sex as your hormones develop, so on so forth. Most people get screwed up during their teenage years when they're 16 and have relationships with other 16 year olds. When they have consecutive failed relationships, they might develop the feeling like they can't trust the other gender, but fail to realize that THEY'RE ONLY 16. They're still maturing. A relationship when you're 16 is greatly different than when you're 25 or 30. But the mind doesn't know that. It's up to the person to disassociate and learn.
While sex seems powerful when you read or hear about certain counseling/therapy cases, there ARE other factors involved.
If I were single, I COULD have sex with a different female each night and completely disconnect any emotional aspect from it without any consequence on how I live my life in society. Now, whether or not the person I'm with could do that is another question.
Another topic is monogamy. To me monogamy is kinda silly especially the whole "you can't have sex with other people" thing. I'm not talking about having 2 or 3 girlfriends (although there's nothing wrong w/ that either if all involved are open minded enough), but the whole "one woman for the rest of your life". I believe that if you really LOVE a person, then that's all that matters. Sex isn't what makes love. It's the emotional bond between two (or more) personalities. If a man and woman bond emotionally, why is it a problem for either of them to go out and have casual sex if they can completely remove any and all emotional attachments to it? For example, you LOVE your partner and sex with them is great, however, if you have a casual fling, you don't LOVE them, and the sex is simply for fun. That doesn't change your strong feelings for the other person. Society feels this is wrong. Because of the way society is, certain feelings are introduced, like rejection, etc.. that really don't NEED to be there.
3. Argument from Gay Marriage: Why is this such a hot button issue, for both sides, if sex isn't that important?
Very simple: religion. That and the fact people fear what they do not understand. Of course the norm is for a man and a woman to be a couple and procreate, but again, no one questions the norm. Homosexuality has been around for AGES, but was never accepted in society. Maybe the ancient Romans/Greeks did.. from what I recall, didn't they have a lot of gay orgies and whatnot?
Anyway, a lot of the anti-homosexual sentiment is due in part to society's views which all stem back to religion.
With what I said above, love is a bond between to personalities whether they're man/man or man/woman, woman/woman, whatever. There's flat out nothing wrong with homsexuality. It's unusual in the eyes of society, yes, but once upon a time, a black man owning land, voting, or flat out being free was unusual in the eyes of society. Doesn't make it proper.
But back to PORN, that's just watching people having sex. Since the topic is about PORNOGRAPHY being sinful (the whole sex thing is a whole topic altogether), I still fail to recognize how seeing pictures, motion or not, of two people having sex is wrong or makes one a bad member of society. The act of watching the sex itself isn't wrong, but maybe the whole "I'll cum on your face, you whore" type of dialogue used is wrong since it could promote disrespect to women. If anything, talk down about that, not the porn itself. But again, comes down to personal opinion. I don't use that dialogue to any women, and by hearing it, I don't get the feeling I WANT to do it either. Maybe for "dirty talk" in the bedroom, but I'm certainly not gonna start eyeing women thinking of that porn.