Originally Posted by lurkette
And I believe some of the more "feminine" qualities, like being loyal, sympathetic, compassionate, understanding, etc., absolutely make you one of those guys that women are looking for! Lucky Jess 
Thank you.

Well, it either goes that way, or it goes the "I couldn't date you, you're like my best friend" way. I remember being heartbroken when that happened, for two reasons. One, because obviously I didn't want to be the best friend, I wanted to be the boyfriend, and two, because I knew I couldn't do a damn thing about it. I knew very early on that I just couldn't change myself. Couldn't make myself more masculine by being tougher or macho. I couldn't really do the guy "I don't care about you that much" thing that some girls seem to really find attractive and appealing. So I was going to wind up being in the "friend" role for a lot of my life. It made me less interesting to a lot of girls, definitely. But you can change some things, and some things you can't change. I could never change being compassionate or understanding.
I thought I was going to come out androgynous, actually. And what's making me feel worse is that Quadrette took the test and got a 6.

Actually, I'm not that confused. Because she's always been more masculine than me. (Her voice is lower too.) In our relationship, that sits fine with me, but writing it now, it doesn't feel so fine....even though she did tell me she loves me, no matter where I fall on the scale.
Looking over this test, actually, I'm very impressed with the way it's worded. I have a tendency to lie to myself sometimes on these tests, giving answers that I think are representative of myself when they're actually not. (Obviously I was truthful this time because I'm a frickin -25.) I think the 1-7 scale is written very well, and almost all of the questions are written in a positive light - there are a few that are a bit negative (conceited, inefficient, jealous) but overall, I didn't find myself shying away from giving 5-7 to some of those things.
BTW, I found I only had three 7s (affectionate, conscientious and friendly) and two 1s (athletic and shy).