Originally Posted by quadro2000
I'm a -25. Damn. Maybe I AM gay. I had better figure this out. My wedding is in two months.
At some point in the future, your wife will have to answer the question "But couldn't you tell?"

(see:McGreevey, James)
I was male/masculine, but I don't think it really matters how I came out on this scale. Ignoring my bias against labelling, I still think that many of these qualities are not specifically one gender or the other. Why are women more likely to be gullible, and why are men less likely to like children? (Of course I may be assuming their own kids, I would agree on some other people's brats.)
I guess my bottom line point is that no matter what you score on this test, you shouldn't be happy or sad - it is just a test of stereotypes. Most people fall into stereotypes - that is why they are called what they are. Being disappointed on the results is like saying you are disappointed that your eyes are blue - you are what you are. Assuming you are happy otherwise, you shouldn't try to change things (excluding so called "bad behaviors").