Originally Posted by onetime2
Your assesment of corporate versus government efficiency is pointless in this discussion. Corporations do not serve citizens they are designed to serve their owners.
You have a choice in whether to invest in a corporation you have no choice in paying taxes (well you can choose not to pay but then when you get caught you go to jail).
As far as quantifying efficiency while it would most certainly be a good exercise it is far from an exact science. As stated in my earlier posts, I have met virtually no one who believes the government is efficient at accounting for and spending the monies they receive. If you feel differently then please elaborate with examples why you believe it to be efficient as is.
In answer to your assertion that most people who feel the government is inefficient are anti tax, I say not true.
I am absolutely in favor of taxes. The government supplies a multitude of services that private companies or individuals could not. That being said, the government also has a history of continuing programs without justification, spending beyond their means, and sloppy accounting of receivables.
I am merely reporting my personal experience, which is indeed that most people who put forward the argument that taxes and spending should be cut because government is inefficient are indeed more eager to see the cutting of taxes and limiting of spending than improvements in government efficiency. There are those legitimately concerned with improving government, not just slashing it, and if you are in that group, that's great.
The problem with your theory though that somehow by cutting revenues we can force efficiency upon government just doesn't follow through in reality. You are right that the US Fed has not really faced constricted revenues, but local and state governments have, and it has not necessarily resulted in efficiency.
What has worked is to demand responsibility from those we choose to administer our government. Given a choice between responsible leadership and someone who is going to cut taxes, I'll take responsibility every time.
Government isn't a business, you aren't going to force improvement by trying to cut revenue. Improvement comes from putting the right people at the helm, who provide responsible and capable administration of our common resources.