Pro stemcell research: Kerry
Anti-taxes: Bush
Pro-choice: Kerry
Education, gonna go with Kerry
Healthcare: Kerry (why doesn't Bush pass laws that allow American's to buy foreign drugs, which would reduce perscription drug costs by quite a bit?)
Pro Gay rights: Kerry
Iraq, Bush lied straight to our faces: Kerry
Not a religious fanatic: Kerry
I honestly don't like either one of them, but I can deal with higher taxes. But one thing I can't deal with is intolerance. An amendment to ban gay marriage? Give me a fucking break. Once they gave marriage tax benifits, it became a social institution instead of religious. An whose religion are they following anyway? There are lots of gay Christians, why not follow their religion and pass an amendment allowing the marriages? Passing laws based on religious beliefs is out right rediculous.
Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm a schizophrenic and so am I.