bernadette, after graduate school, I made a living as a “gallery artist” and my work was sold to collectors and corporations. One day, I happened to be in the main lobby of the Bank of America building in San Francisco and saw a large painting of mine on display. It was particularly alienating to see it in a decorative corporate setting.
In another similar instance I was traveling across the US by car. I stopped in at a gallery in Texas that was hosting a traveling exhibition from the Smithsonian Institution, entitled "Paper as Medium". Some of my work was in it and it was another alienating experience for me. It really had very little to do with me at that point and everything to do with the new contexts the work was existing in.
Later, after I moved east, and had additional experiences like these, I stopped exhibiting my work after my first one-person show in New York City. I also severed my connections to the “art world” at that time. Since then, I show work only on the Net in basically anonymous settings. It seems to suit me. I suppose it is because I prefer an essentially conceptual reading of the work and I think it’s possible to contextualize it in ways that interest me. I also destroy a lot of work after it hangs around for a while.
Thanks for your comments. I’ll see what happens with this new series. I do rethink my options as time goes on.
create evolution