Like Cynthetiq, my wife and I devour movies. There are a whole lot of really bad movies that cross our paths, but we're never sorry we saw them. I think we've only walked out of one movie (Marci X) because it was so unbelievably bad. We see pretty much every studio movie that is released and go to Indy festivals, too.
We also both read constantly. She reads "real literature," and I read Stephen King. It's amazing to me that so many people have such stock, standard sneers available when I confess that King is my favorite author. Most folks look at me as if they were patting my head and saying, "Oh you poor, pedestrain little child. Maybe one day you'll discover a REAL author."
But I know what I like.
My wife says that King's writing style is "formula fiction," and she says that John Grisham is a similar author.
Living is easy with eyes closed.