Crazy college idea... am I nuts?
I'm entering my senior year in high school and the college talk is at high intensity. At EVERY family gathering, and during every dull moment during a conversation someone ends up asking me what i'm doing for college. I probably get asked 10 times a week- "Any Plans for college?" Then I realize..
i have absolutely no idea what, or where i'll study.
Correct me if im wrong, but college seems to be where you choose what you'll be doing for the rest of your life. Most people just end up working from there on in, in the same city, in the same field until they die. This bothers me quite a bit because frankly i dont want to choose the rest of my life at this point in time.
Then one day i came across an interesting idea, and told it to my parents to get a rouse out of them... and because i was actually interested in how they would respond. I told them that instead of going to your average 4 year college, i would take the money that i have saved up, and take out a loan just like i would for college, but then i would take this money and i would travel to as many different places in the world as i could go. I would meet as many people from various professions, various cultures, and various walks of life. I would develop my perspective on the world, and grow up a little bit. I would stay away from tourist crap and my american stereotype and try to get to meet and enjoy life with as many people as i could. The problem is, afterwards, i'm not sure where this would land me... I'm a pretty smart guy and i can teach myself quite a bit... but it seems like this trip would be crazy enough to get my eyes open to life and possibly find a good niche to make some $$ in too.... I nuts?