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Old 08-24-2004, 08:44 PM   #20 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Tempboy
You're pretty ignorant.
How many Chinese people do you know that 'turn rabbits inside out' and consider it a part of their culture? Sell crazy fireworks? You can buy them on every block in the US before 4th of July and New Years. Rice? So umm, you don't like the taste of rice or something? I don't understand how that could translate into disliking a culture.

Whatever, I don't want to get into some stupid argument over this, but that was a pretty dumb thing to say.
He didn't say anything deragoatory, he simply stated he doesn't like some aspects of Chinese culture. I don't think he is ignorant or dumb for having an opinion. We don't need to like it everything, we just need to accept it. I belive by Rice he was talking about the Vancouver import car scene, it's quite prominent both on the island and in vancouver.

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