Originally Posted by Lewis
Very nice. I just hope y ou have a good xerox. The texture at the top could look a bit messy otherwise.
well, if it xeroxes like crap, i have a back up plan. i'll just burn the illustrator file in .pdf form (for some reason, kinkos likes that now better than .eps files... *shrug*) & i'll have them print them that way.
Originally Posted by flyman
i expect my flyer to be hand delivered eh bern..........
looks good.......have a good time.
if i could, i so would! & i'd so love to have YOUR BAND filling up the air with good stuff. is it too late to book y'all?
Originally Posted by powerclown
i really like the fonts you used in it.
looks like a good time...
(in the side text, third line, you have 'style' spelled as 'stylee', didn't know if you were just using a funny word or not )
thanks. i love fonts. i need to buy a few more one of these days... so many fab fonts out there. alas i work with what i gots already. making do.
and yeah. i spelled it "stylee" on purpose, but i think i'll change it.
to most people, it <i><b>is</b></i> going to look like a typo.
Originally Posted by doodlebird
bah! power clown found the typo first. i was hoping to be the nit-picky-est. the small type on the side doesn't bother me so much, but if you really want folks to pick up on the western theme, ya gotta make it big. "wear yer western git ups" or something. that's my two cents, and that's about all it's worth.
good point!
although the peeps in my hood are mostly not much into dressing up anyway, so hrmm :\
we had our first block just a week or two before halloween. told people to dress up. hardly anyone did.
mostly just the kids did & a tiny few of crazy adults.
thanks so much everyone for your input. greatly appreciated!